The Best Shorts Looks for Every Shape and Size

This summer look your best with these trendy shorts tips!

Always in style denim! A summer wardrobe and casual look staple, jean shorts - now 'jorts' - are fashionable in any style. You can have a rough hem for a cut off look or a rolled hem for a more refined one. Most importantly, find a pair that are comfortable and complimentary whether walking, sitting or wearing all day!

Staying with the casual trend, board shorts are the hottest weekend style! You can style them as high rise or low rise and add tropical prints and bold colors for a beach ready look. 

Cargo shorts are super handy and since they are trending you can find designer pairs that have added some fashionable details like exposed zippers and buckles!

If you'll be in higher temps on the beach (or anywhere) try a knit or gingham patterned linen/cotton with a button down shirt or color full t-shirt. Be careful mixing patterns with gingham style - there is a lot going on there!

Take your style up a notch with trouser shorts. Its longer silhouette and classic patterns add a professional and respectable feel. You could a a blazer to take it up another notch too!

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